Sunday, September 3, 2023

4 Tips for Those of You Who Are Looking for a Job, Fresh Graduates Must Know!

Finding a job is not an easy thing, nor is it really difficult. However, for new graduates or fresh graduates, there are some tips that can be applied when looking for a job.

Here are 4 tips for those of you who are looking for a job, especially fresh graduates.

1. Prepare Personal Data Well

Before applying for a job, the first tips or things you should prepare are personal data, identity, educational history documents, experience certificates, etc. These are all used to apply for jobs, so need to be well prepared.

Arrange your CV in accordance with the provisions, if you feel it is still lacking, you can also improve it by attending classes, internships, or projects that can be used as material to fill out your CV so that it is better.

2. Search and Register Before Passing

Tips for finding the next job, that is, before graduation, try to find information about companies that are opening job vacancies.

Then, if you feel you have met the requirements, you can apply for the job.

By the time you graduate, you already have a proposal, it's better if the company accepts you sooner. So you don't have to bother looking for a job after graduating later.

3. Know the Company Well

In addition to the three things above, getting to know the company well is also an important tip that you should do when looking for or applying for a job. Make sure the company does not have a bad history.

You can find out from people around you or people who have worked there. Don't wait until the moment you enter and then regret because the situation is not according to your wishes.

4. Don't Be Too Selective

As an initial step in starting a career, it is best not to be too selective in choosing a job. Usually this has something to do with the salary and the name of the company, people who have just graduated tend to be ambitious to get a job in a good place with a high salary.

There is nothing wrong with having that kind of ambition, but for a fresh graduate, being able to get a job can be quite a good achievement considering that most companies want people with a lot of experience. So, while looking for experience you can take a job as before.

Those are 4 tips for those of you who will be looking for a job, especially new graduates or fresh graduates. Any job you get after graduation is an incredible blessing and something to be grateful for. Good luck!

* Senarai Penuh Jawatan Kosong Yang Telah Dikemaskini (KLIK SINI)


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